❤️ Sorry for not updating the game for so long, it's finnaly updated and playable. ❤️

DUO With Online Friends game is a challenging game with unlimited entertainment. It's an advanced version of the UNO game with new tournaments, rules, gameplay modes, special cards and much more. It’s almost identical to the UNO game, but it provides room for up to 8 players. So, you can enjoy with family and friends to double the fun. 👪

The online card match can be fully customizable. In your own lobby, you decide how many points players need to win, how many cards you get at the start, what special uno cards will be available in card pile, etc. Customize how many cards of each type are in the card pile! Set more Wild cards, or more skips, it’s up to you! Tune your card pile and make the match fun!

For newest version/fullscreen visit https://duowfriends.eu/ :). If you wanna support me and share the game on your own website, you can use code below:

 <iframe src="https://duowfriends.eu/?nomenu=1" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></iframe> 
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
GenreCard Game
TagsBoard Game, Multiplayer, party-game, uno


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(1 edit)

This game is very fun and i played it with my teachers during free time it was on its website tho not here but i found the game on here



Ok! I will play!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, what happened to the mobile app? I used it all of the time, and it was super easy to use. I accidentally deleted it while going through some apps.

Im following you and hi!

(2 edits)

Also, wanna know a really weird thing that just happened? - If you don't play - then a bot takes over. 

I accidentally left the page open on quickplay and forgot about it for a bit.... 

The bot won some matches for me, ALL got first place! XD 

Imagine if the players playing against me noticed that it was a bot controlling me - how infuriating that would be for them! XD I'm dead.

Hi! :) Yes, if you don't play 3 turns, you get kicked to the main menu, and get replaced with a bot. Are you saying that you didn't get kicked, and saw the bot playing for you? That's kinda weird :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I love that there's an option to change the cards colours without having to pay for it! It makes it much more inclusive for colourblind people and I can really respect that.

It would be great if you could make it so that it's easier to know that it's actually your turn, when it's your turn cx

No problem! :D If you have any ideas for the game, write :D

hello there nice job are there are a pc version ?


HI! :) There will be a Steam version, within 1-2 months :D

translated danity's comment: 

Hola me gusta mucho tu juego si podrías sacar una versión de escritorio seria genial....  saludos 


Hello I really like your game if you could get a desktop version it would be great .... greetings

HI! I'm still just thinking about a desktop version (Publishing it on Steam, sice it wouldn't cost me anything), but for now there's only Android and Web versions avaiable 😊

never connects >:(

HI! I'm sorry for not updating the game in here. Everything works now :)


Why is there more animals that black characters? I's offended. #BLM


...? Maybe he just likes animals


what the hell?


Is there a offline multiplayer mode?

No, the game has only online modes 😊


Hi Blyster, is there a possibility to buy the license for the game or point the game in iframe but with having ssl active? What kind of support, purchase, licensing options you could provide to us. I am interested in embedding this game into our website, which is non profit, charity event, and would really like to have the info from you. Thanks!


Hi! Of course you can share the game anywhere you want. Sorry for not responding to any comments, I kinda forgot about this site. The game got changed A LOT since you posted this comment :)


This is great, but there's no explanation of the house rules!!!!

There's a little tutorial built-in now 😊. But the rules are almost identical to the UNO rules.

Yeah it's crazy how much it's changed!


Hola me gusta mucho tu juego si podrías sacar una versión de escritorio seria genial....  saludos